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How to distinguish between UFIDA U8 and T6
                           UFIDA Cao industry: 13312969998
Recently, UFIDA company launched a new series of T products, understanding of the people all know T6 is actually made up of UFIDA universal type ERP-U6 was renamed to U8, was previously popular version added a module production simple. U8 and T6 two products in which the difference, the author also with questions, careful study of the two products, simple analysis are as follows, for your reference (just my understanding)


一,product positioning

UFIDA to subdivide the customer market, targeted to promote products information application scale enterprise growth stage / different, these products are applied to enterprise management at different levels, according to different needs to choose, in general more behind the product function more powerful, of course, the higher the cost. Include.
  • T3:属于一种基本的管理,适合小型企业;(相当于KIS产品)
  • T6(原用友普及版):属于一种规范化的管理,与通系列比起来显得管理更加详细一些,适合中小型企业信息化基础管理管理的需要;(相当于K3基础版)
  • U8:属于一种精细化的管理,与前两者比起来又显得更加详细更加规范更加的完善,适合中大型企业标准化行业解决方案应用的需要;(相当于K3V12标准版和精益版,在生产管理领域较K3有明显的优势)
  • NC:注重集团级的供应链和财务应用,适合集团型企业管理应用;
• T3: belongs to a basic management, suitable for small and medium enterprises; (equivalent to KIS)l T6(原用友普及版):属于一种规范化的管理,与通系列比起来显得管理更加详细一些,适合中小型企业信息化基础管理管理的需要;(相当于K3基础版)
· T6 (original UFIDA universal version): is a kind of standardized management, is a management more detail and series, the need for information management and management of small and medium enterprises; (equivalent to K3 Basic Edition)
l U8:属于一种精细化的管理,与前两者比起来又显得更加详细更加规范更加的完善,适合中大型企业标准化行业解决方案应用的需要;(相当于K3V12标准版和精益版,在生产管理领域较K3有明显的优势)
• U8: is a refinement of management, with the former two and more detailed than the more standard more perfect, suitable for the needs of solution application industry standardization in large enterprises; (equivalent to the standard version of K3V12 and lean version, has obvious advantage in production management field is K3)
l NC:注重集团级的供应链和财务应用,适合集团型企业管理应用;
• NC: pay attention to the supply chain and group level of financial applications, suitable for application of enterprise group management;
The products of the system partition as shown below:



项    目 U8 T6
管理角度 侧重于精细管理。比如U8的车间管理、产能管理、HR、CRM等模块,是一个全面的企业解决方案。 侧重于加强基础管理,规范业务流程,解决企业关键业务需求。
应用角度 相对于T6来说更注重细节,参数多对企业的精细化管理及业务流程的控制更严谨,比如U8可以控制单据的打印次数,而T6没有此控制点。 注重流程规范的主体需求,对于应用细节的控制考虑不全面。
投资角度 投资相对来说大(软件、硬件环境等),实施周期较长。 投资小,实施周期短,见效快。

二,the comprehensive difference

Item U8 T6
Management Perspective
Focus on fine management. For example, workshop management, U8, HR, CRM capacity management module, is a comprehensive enterprise solutions.
Focus on strengthening basic management, standardize business processes, enterprises solve the critical business needs.
The application perspective
Compared to T6 in more detail, many parameters of fine management and business process of enterprise control more stringent, print times such as U8 can control the documents, and T6 does not have this control point.
Pay attention to regulate the flow of the main demand for control applications, consider the details of the incomplete.
The investment point
Investment is relatively large (software, hardware environment), the implementation of a long cycle.
Small investment, short cycle, fast effect.


项    目 U8 T6
核心理念 精细管理  敏捷经营 流程卓越 健康成长
管理特征 以规范管理为核心,解决企业管理的核心问题 以精细化管理为目标,解决企业管理全面问题
企业规模 中大型(200人以上,年销售额1亿以上) 中小型(300人以下,年销售额0.1~1亿以下)
应用范围 包括财务、供应链、管理会计、CRM、人力资源、生产制造、OA、BI等68个应用 财务进销存+简单生产
价格 20万—50万以上 5万-15万
应用环境 随需配置 硬件配置不高
涉及应用角色 涉及财务、采购、销售、库存的角色,角色分工较细腻,权限管理相对明细; 有部分角色分工,但不完整
有一定的信息化基础, 信息化进程明显,应用需求相对复杂。 关注主体需求、满意度和实施服务,价格敏感;首次实施信息化。
实施交付 培训与实施交付
营销方式 标准应用采用价值营销模式,不做方案,不调研;
渠道模式 直销(用友分公司)与分销(用友商业伙伴)模式并存 代理商(专业零售与服务商)、零售商(专业、店面)、增值零售商(VAR)
服务方式 专业呼叫中心(4006-600-588)+各地专业运维服务机构 远程QQ.,包括总部的服务支持系统。
锁定的竞争对手 金蝶K3 12.0/浪潮/神码 K3早起基础版
三, The product model
Comparative analysis of UFIDA external publicity and internal data based on:
Item U8 T6
The core idea
Fine management of agile management
Process excellent healthy growth
Management characteristics
To standardize the management as the core, to solve the core problem of enterprise management
The fine management as the goal, a comprehensive solution to the problem of enterprise management
The scale of the enterprise
Large (more than 200 people, with annual sales of more than 100000000)
Large (more than 200 people, with annual sales of more than 100000000)
The scope of application
Including financial, supply chain, management accounting, CRM, human resources, production, OA, BI 68 application
Financial Invoicing + simple production
More than 200000 - 500000
50000 - 15 million
Application environment
With the need to configure
The hardware configuration is not high
Relates to the application of role
Involving financial, procurement, sales, inventory, role, role division is delicate, relatively detailed rights management Some roles, but not complete
Applicable client
There are some basic information, information process, application of demand is relatively complex.
The main concerns of the demand, satisfaction and implementation services, price sensitive information; for the first time
The implementation of delivery
Training and implementation of deliverables
Embodiments of the standard on the 5
Through the delivery of training (cannot deal with the complex needs of the project)
Relying on the training of ERP delivery, as the majority of customer information management foundation is weak, delivery will be very difficult
服务方式 Service is often difficult
Remote QQ., including the headquarters service support system.
Locked competitors
Kingdee K3 12.0/ wave / Shenma
K3 based version of the early


项目 U8 T6
系统开发平台 UAP开发平台,支持SQL数据库 支持SQL数据库
产品集成度 基本覆盖了中小型企业管理的大部分内容,包括财务、供应链、CRM、生产制造、分销、零售、BI、HR、OA等,基于微软开发平台,产品较完整、结构较统一,但有整合模块; 以财务为核心,是过去U8普及版的升级版本,包括财务、供应链,加入了简单生产和委外管理;
应用集成度 业务过程从售前到售中以及售后服务的管理 支持部分业务的事前、事中控制,精细度不够
系统的可扩展性 可以从财务核算扩展到项目管理、合同管理、预算管理、资金管理、成本管理、人力资源管理、客户关系管理、生产制造管理、办公自动化、商业智能、集团应用等,所有数据一次录入,可以进行数据迁移,有系统集成EAI工具,有与第三方产品集成实例。 仅支持财务核算向采购、销售、库存、存货核算、简单制造扩展。如想扩展应用,如追加成本管理时,还需要升级到U8,数据升级较为复杂。
新准则的支持度 符合新会计准则的核算要求,在对新准则的支持程度上要明显优于T6,
系统应用灵活性 设置了统一的预警平台和审批流,审批流基本贯穿打通,UAP平台可以支持单据/报表自定义(类似BOS) 无审批流与工作流
对移动商务支持 支持Ufmolibe移动商务 支持移动应用
管理角色的应用与支持 支持针对不同的用户配置不同的业务流程和分配与管理职责相匹配的系统权限,可根据不同的管理角色配置相应的业务流程; 没有预置业务流程,需手工设计
对财务预算业务的支持 有预算业务,有预算编制、预算控制、预算分析 仅支持财务科目的预算
人力资源的全面应用 较完整支持新劳动法下的人力资源管理 部分支持
企业门户 可以为各类管理者(如总经理、销售主管、财务主管、人力主管、行政人员等)制定工作平台。 不支持
成本管理 有完善的成本管理模块,支持计划成本、标准成本和实际成本核算。
账期管理 可以根据不同的客户或供应商设置个性化账期,如销售的收付款协议、出口的收付款协议等 不支持
自由项 生产管理对结构自由项\多辅助核算具有明显支持 不支持
管理者数据展现 有商业智能(BI)功能,可以对业务数据进行分析(跨年度/跨组织/跨账套) 简单支持
行业应用支持 目前已有针对机械、电子、交通运输、服装、制药、化工等行业的应用插件,行业插件的开发还在不断深入。 基本不支持,行业化交付困难;
四,Analysis of product difference
Project U8 T6
System development platform
UAP development platform, SQL database support
SQL database support
Product integration
Basic coverage of most of the small and medium enterprise management, including financial, supply chain, CRM, manufacturing, distribution, retail, BI, HR, OA, Microsoft based development platform, the product is complete, the structure is unified, but integration module;
With finance as the core, is the upgrade version of the past the popularization of U8, including finance, supply chain, with simple production and outsourcing management;
Application Integration
Business process from pre-sales to sale and after sale service management
Control beforehand, support services, the fine is not enough
The scalability of the system
Can be extended from the financial accounting of the project management, contract management, budget management, capital management, cost management, human resource management, customer relationship management, manufacturing management, office automation, business intelligence, group applications, a record of all data, can carry on the data transfer, system integration of EAI tools, with third product integration examples.
Only support financial accounting expansion to the procurement, sales, inventory, inventory accounting, simple manufacturing. If you want to extend the application, such as additional cost management, also need to upgrade to U8, the data is complex to upgrade
Support new standards
In accordance with the new accounting standards accounting requirements, in support of the new criterion is obviously higher than that of T6,
Provides enterprise value revaluation: provide new opportunity criterion way valuation on stock (IAS 22), impairment of assets (criterion eighth) exchange of non monetary assets (criterion seventh), real estate value included in the profit and loss, inventory valuation methods.
1, to support the new accounting subjects
2, do not support the accounting period of adjustment
3, do not support the spot exchange rate
4, do not support the provision for impairment of fixed assets group
System flexibility
Set up early warning platform and approval of uniform flow, examine and approve flow throughout through, UAP platform can support document / report custom (similar to BOS)
Without examination and approval flow and workflow
Support for mobile commerce
Support Ufmolibe mobile commerce
Support for mobile applications
Application and support the management role
Support system permissions for user configuration of different business processes and the allocation and management responsibilities to match, can according to different management roles configuration corresponding business process;
No preset business process, need to manually design
On the financial budget business support
Budget business, have a budget, budget control, budget analysis
Only support financial subjects budget
The comprehensive application of human resources
Compared with the full support of human resource management in the new labor law
Partial support
The enterprise portal
For all types of managers (such as general manager, sales director, finance director, HR Director, administrative personnel work platform).
Does not support
Cost management
Cost management module is perfect, support plan cost, standard cost and actual cost accounting.
Account management
Can according to the customer or supplier different set of personalized account period, such as the sale of payment agreement, export payment agreement
Does not support
Free term
Production management of free \ multi auxiliary accounting has obvious support
Does not support
Management data show
Business intelligence (BI) function, can the business data analysis (year / Inter Organizational / inter account)
Simple support
Industry application support
The plug-in application present for mechanical, electronic, transportation, clothing, pharmaceutical, chemical and other industries, industry plug-in development continuing.
Basic does not support, industry difficult delivery;

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